Let AI do the heavy lifting

Modern coaches rely on Heyday to generate shareable session notes, see themes from client conversations, and share insights from conversations with their community. Here's how it works:

Share wisdom with your clients and community

Turn insights from sessions into content for your community

It's hard to distill the wisdom of your coaching sessions into writing.

Modern coaches turn post ideas into full drafts with help from Heyday’s AI. It remembers everything you’ve ever said and provides quotes from your most meaningful conversations.

Heyday greatly improved my writing process. The summary of themes you identify based on last week’s conversations and suggestions for posts are awesome!

Bea Kim

Executive & Life Coach, Bea Kim Coaching

You're in safe hands with Heyday

100% Confidential

No one at Heyday can see your data. It is encrypted and will only be seen by others if you choose to share it.


You can delete your data at any time. Heyday deletes your data automatically when your free trial ends.


Heyday has completed exhaustive security reviews conducted by Zoom and Google.

Tap into your wisdom (vs. ChatGPT)

Heyday is always learning more about me. It shows my writing from my documents within the posts it generates. That's really cool to see.

Justin Hills

Executive Coach, Courageous&Co

Draws from your conversations and notes

ChatGPT doesn't know you or your clients. Heyday creates a database of your wisdom based on your conversations, emails, documents, and notes.

No extra work

You can stop uploading transcripts into ChatGPT. The Heyday Secure Zoom App joins your conversations and generates notes with zero clicks.

Augments your workflow

Heyday goes beyond Q&A. It emails you call notes & new content ideas and shows you context about clients in your calendar - an AI that helps you wherever you are.

Designed for coaches (vs. Otter & others)

The quality of Heyday's notes are much much better than Zoom's because they're specifically tuned for coaches.

Brian Wang

Executive Coach, Dashing Leadership

Tuned for coaching, not sales

Transcription tools like Zoom AI, Fathom, Otter, and Fireflies are made for sales calls. Heyday creates recap notes especially tuned to coaching conversations.

Organized by client

Staying organized doesn’t need to be a struggle. Heyday organizes every call, email, and shared document into neat client profiles automatically.

More useful than a transcript

Transcripts take hours to parse. Heyday allows you to query your past conversations to retrieve exactly what you said and summaries of similar conversations.

Ready to turn your insights into content?

"I love how seamless Heyday is to use with Zoom. There is like no setup!" - Kelly Liu, Career Coach